WebXR Playground

3D Frontend Development

Introduction of Aframe drastically accelerated development of THREE.js based XR realms, allowing for broader shift towards three dimensional WebApps

Achsen des Guten

Lighting Design / Production Sound Mixing

If society alows unspeakable to be spoken again, the question arises, where resistance starts, and how it could look like. Inbetween stench of dystopy and reality Naomi is trapped in her thought construct. Or isn't it about her at all?

Motion Capture Node

Embedded Design

Inspired by an overpriced acquisition of a motion capture suit by my acquaintance, I started looking into alternatives for capturing motion within a fraction of that budget. My ambition was to create a more flexible system, which would allow for an arbitrary number of cheap tracking sensors


Embedded Design / Full Stack Web Development

Pocket IoT ecosystem for musical devices. Huemidifi wirelessly serves a web interface which governs its MIDI outputs, allowing effortless real-time collaboration of multiple musicians

Die Schnade von Brilon

Documentary Camera Operation

Kim Lotte-Stöber´s movie revolves around main public ritual of her hometown. An annual festival driven by sausages, alcohol, hunter epos and (counter)cultural practices is pictured along with reflectons on the rifleman`s manhood cult


Digital Brand Management

Being a multidimensional metabrand, Hyperpainting is a concept renderable to any visual media. A set of rules and restrictions, a structure balancing the creative influence of human, algorithm and dark random.

Pseudo Autonomous Drone ML 2

Embedded Design

Non-linear chord pattern generation tool and probabalistic MIDI sequencer. The algorithm produces formally correct harmonic progressions according to UI parametrisation.

Pseudo Autonomous Drone

Embedded Design

This early project was built to experience the auditive perception limits of pseudo-randomness by mixing the predictable and repetitive sequences of core random() with more sophisticated noise sources